My dream on 1/24/2018:
Do you remember Disney’s Rescuers Down Under?
It had that character Frank – a frilled neck lizard.
He looks so happy doesn’t he?
In my dream, I was jogging in a nondescript group and others were going around this angry lizard who blocked our path.
Well, my turn comes (like a game of Frogger) and I try to go left and right around the lizard, and it blocks my path both ways. Then, I go for the hurdle and it blocks that path overtop its head. Finally, I decide it’s come to fisticuffs and I jab with my right, and it seizes my fist in this Venus fly trap type of mitt, and I counter with the haymaker left (Southpaw always!) and it snatches that in its mitt too.
Before I can react too much the lizard pulls me toward itself with 100% gusto and I physically lunge myself awake flying out of my bed and making contact (eye lid first) directly with the nightstand edge. Luckily for me, it wasn’t a direct hit with the stand, because my neck cracked as it was.
But, I hit nose, cheekbone and upper/lower eyelid directly on the stand’s edge. And Leah jerked awake and was like “Are you okay?”
So I went to see the urgent care people and did vision tests, eye dye for testing for lens cuts, and fortunately it was a protected by the good ole eyelid.
They checked for retinal detachment and orbital fractures and the results were clean. I was able to see the chart across the room too.
I made it to work for my first appt. with a kiddo, and I have a nice shiner on the left side. It’s making for some entertaining advising sessions.
My favorite ending to a conversation went:
“It was good to see you, Mr. Tucker. Take care.”
To which I replied, “It’s nice being able to see you at all.”