(Interviewed on Twitter by Kandi J. Wyatt, author of The One Who Sees Me) 01.18.2016 –

Question 1: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? How did you find @voxdeipub
Brian: Sure. I grew up in so. KY and met my wife in college. I wrote in graduate school and found @voxdeipub while scouring the web. 🙂
Kandi: What did you write about in graduate school?
Brian: I created a short story collection titled “Baptisms & Dogs” set in the fictional town of Seton, KY. It helped me start (writing).

Kandi: It sounds interesting.
Martin Jones: Hey Brian, your friendly editor here – just popping in!
Question 2: What is your book about?
Brian: #Wheelman is about a teen seeking his father. He goes on a journey in search of hard answers.
Kandi: So is it a YA or middle grade book?
Heather Huffman: Hey everyone!
Kandi: Welcome! Glad to have you.
Brian: Young Adult
Heather Huffman: I’d say young YA.
Kandi: Awesome!
Martin Jones: Definitely YA, some serious themes tackled here!
Question 3: What led you to write Wheelman?

Brian: A trip with friends to Mexico in 2011 prompted the book #wheelman. It was a great experience albeit dangerous.
Kandi: Can you share what themes besides #humantrafficking Wheelman tackles?
Martin Jones: I think the impact of a broken home and sin is prominent, together with a fair amount of violence!
Kandi: How was it dangerous?
Brian: Drug cartels and beheadings were reported at that time. It was a tough time to travel near Mexico City.
Kandi: That does make for some interesting travel.
Martin Jones: Another question (for Brian) – are any of the characters based on yourself or people you have met?
Brian: That’s a tough one, Martin… I’d say Teddy resembles my dad just slightly. But most were abstract creations.
Question 4: So you’ve done some traveling. Can you tell us about that?
Brian: I love the open road. It’s what generates new memories. Central Mexico is so beautiful. It needs to be written about!
Kandi: Guanajuato is my favorite place. Although I had fun in San Miguel de Allende
Brian: God’s country, right? So pristine and beautiful! I LOVE San Miguel.
Kandi: Right. I love the colors of the houses.
Brian: And the doors. I’ve never seen so many different types of doors.
Kandi: You’re right. The doors in central Mexico are amazing.
Adam Hopper: How did growing up in a small town like Monticello, Kentucky impact the locations in the book?
Brian: #Wheelman tackles travel to and from some unique places. My hometown molded me into what I am today. I love Ky!
Brian: Hi! @pastortabitha Thanks, Tabitha!
Martin Jones: Do you think #Wheelman has any kind of take-away message for the reader?
Brian: Great Q. #Wheelman does. The importance of valuing family is central! Today, tomorrow, everyday. While we can!
Question 5: Do you have any #travel safety tips for us?
Brian: I knew that one was coming! 🙂 Be cautious. I had great taxis in Mexico (and fun). But there’re always risks
Kandi: That there are. Your book gives you a platform to discuss #HumanTraffickingAwareness.
Brian: Yes. It plays a role in the family reunion elements of #wheelman and it was a difficult subject to study.
Kandi: I bet it was. I know I had difficulty sleeping just after writing a blog about trafficking
Question 6: How did you become aware of human trafficking?
Brian: Drug/human trafficking are prevalent not only in other parts of the world but US- all 50 states #IJM helped me for #Wheelman. It messes with us, as it should. Knowing the world has such intense events happening daily – wakes us up!
Kandi: It makes us realize there is more to life than our happy little corner.
Martin Jones: Without revealing spoilers – we might differ slightly on this but would you say the book has a happy ending?
Brian: You all brought the real Qs. 🙂 Haha. I would say quasi-happy. It depends on the reader’s idea of win vs. lose though.
Kandi: I think that is key to any ending of a book.
Martin Jones: Gotta say I love the title #Wheelman – says so much about the book in a word – both sides of the story #goodevil
Brian: Amen! #Wheelman is to the point. Our team really made it happen.
Martin Jones: Yeah, I wish I could take credit for the title #lol
Brian: You CAN!
Question 7: What kinds of testing of faith have you experienced either while writing or that prompted you to write?
Brian: Learning about trafficking and realizing that all sins are equal … caused me to write more definitely. Scars are lasting.
Kandi: Scars are lasting! Oof. That they are. We can end #humantrafficking
Question 8: If people want to help end #humantrafficking what do you suggest they do?
Brian: Playing an active role in their daily lives, online and in person. We have an opportunity to @endtraffick ing
Kandi: Where can we find you online?
Brian: Online- https://brianltucker.com, Instagram: bltuck2, amazon at: http://amazon.com/author/tuckerb, and even on Goodreads at: Brian L. Tucker
#Wheelman releases Feb 2 on #groundhogday and my father’s birthday! It’ll be on @amazon and other major websites
Kandi: Can’t wait for it. Thanks so much everyone for joining, and congratulations, @thebriantucker
Brian: Thanks again, Kandi J Wyatt! I appreciate your time. Have a great night!
Kandi: Thanks again for the time. I’m off to eat dinner with the family.
-End of Interview-