Share your BESTlife story on the ‘Contact‘ form of this site and be entered to WIN a copy of Brian’s story collection “Baptisms & Dogs.”
Official announcement on Halloween!
2 copies will be mailed out to the 2 BEST stories we receive by that date. (Criteria: ANYTHING! It’s a subjective selection process. Can be a funny story about the embarrassing things Grandpa did on vacation once, or, a time when you didn’t think you’d make it out of Disneyland alive. We want your BESTlife story thus far!) Also, we’d like to share those winning stories on the site – proudly displayed in the ‘Blog’ section of . So, it’s SUPER important to send your story soon! (Don’t worry. There aren’t any grammar police around to judge.) The 2 winners selected will be asked to supply their mailing addresses following the announcement and the books will be shipped ASAP.
I’ve included my 1st ever BLOG VIDEO on Youtube for you to see! Hope it helps key you in to the exciting developments around this first book of mine, The Silence of Sacrifice. I’m excited to have your readership and support.
“Story is massive. Story is the most powerful tool to compel a human brain. Every human being self identifies as the lead protagonist in the story.” – Donald Miller
“One of the deepest of all human longings is the longing to belong, to be a part of things, to be invited in. We want to be part of the fellowship. Where did that come from?” – John Eldredge, Epic
If one word emerged from my recent work trip to Vegas, it was this: spectacle.
My co-workers took in the sights, sounds, and yes, smells of Vegas.
We were stationed in Caesar’s Palace, and it was where we attended conference sessions throughout the week.
There were all kinds of magnificent statues and displays throughout the hotel.
But, not a one of them were the real thing.
Vegas boasted higher prices than pretty much any place in the continental US. And I wondered, why?
The spectacle didn’t offer originality.
Was it fun to roam around in ‘Italy’ and ‘France’ almost simultaneously? Of course. But, it wasn’t it at all. The facades were a welcome distraction from the day-to-day sights and sounds, I guess.
I still found myself happy to be home last night. Home: where a bottle of water is not $7. Word to the wise, if you pick up the items in the Vegas hotel mini-fridges for more than 5 seconds it will bill you for the snack.
But, it’s still a place I’m happy to have seen. Now I can safely say it’s a place like any other. It comes with its own set of blemishes, and the spectacle is somehow just a magnification of said blemishes.
Oh and by the way, the fake Elvis’ expect a tip if you take your picture with them. Just a heads up. 🙂
Had the good fortune of seeing John Mark McMillan play in Chattanooga last night at The Camp House. If you haven’t caught him on his Tongues of Fire tour, I highly recommend it.
I’ve heard this music scene described as a hipster, Jesus convention, but hey, Jesus loves hipsters, too. Right? And we ARE capable of looking away from the skinny jeans, if we try hard enough. (I think I’m just jealous I can’t fit into skinny jeans.)
I couldn’t help but marvel at a performer so on fire for eternal truths, genuine conversation with his audience.
It was great to see a “younger” audience (I’m dating myself, I know) tied into the deeper topics as well. One song which especially stood out to me, and I hadn’t heard before was titled: Future / Past, and the lyrics are below:
“Future / Past” by John Mark McMillan ::
You hold the reins on the sun and the moon
Like horses driven by kings
You cover the mountains, the valleys below
With the breadth of your mighty wings
All treasures of wisdom and things to be known
Are hidden inside your hand
And in this fortunate turn of events
You ask me to be your friend
You ask me to be your friend
And you,
You are my first
You are my last
You are my future and my past
The constellations are swimming inside
The breadth of your desire
Where could I run, where could I hide
from your heart’s jealous fire
All treasures of wisdom and things to be known
Are hidden inside your hand
And in this fortunate turn of events
You ask me to be your friend
You ask me to be your friend
And you,
You are my first
You are my last
You are my future and my past
You are the beginning and the end”
If this were a Sunday school lesson, I’d say ‘Amen,’ and we’d all head home. But, I wanted to bring up the relevance of JMM’s ability to connect with his audience AND deliver a message. The 2 go hand-in-hand. And…he did this in a way I hadn’t seen in a loooong time.
It was refreshing.
He said about halfway through his set that he didn’t know what he’d done before he was writing songs, but he felt like he’d wasted it.
To him, any time prior to songwriting and singing had been squandered.
And, I’m starting to see the need in my own life (writing as an example), to live on purpose. To care for those around me.
I pray the same is happening in your life. Whether it’s singing, songwriting, or whatever gift you have: use it.
It was refreshing to see someone similar in age having such an impact on the world around him. I wanted to post a video of the live environment I was trying to describe above. Hope it works for you: