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1 Thing Disney Got Wrong.


Grace – unmerited favor.

It’s a word that scares a lot of us guys. But, I read it described this way recently. Let me know what you think:

“Grace brings change. And ultimately…heart change that will lead to a change in choices and actions…desires. We need the Holy Spirit to take over our lives to the point that what God wants for us is what we want to do…sanctification…To accomplish this state of holy living, we need God to change our desires from those that are natural to us to those that are natural to him.” (from Napkin Theology)

Additional verses to reiterate – 1 John 3: 9-10.

Summary: The only way to live life to its fullest is under the grace God provides, and only then, will the desires of our heart be truly met.

Someone. Anyone. Call Disney up and tell them that. Especially #9 on this list.


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I’m not alone! (‘8 things that Baffle me’ contd.)


My 8 Things that Baffle Me’ (contd.) and their SUPPORT from sources around the web. Check em out:

1.) Disconnecting from tech is important. Connecting with people is important as well. (Spend time with your people!)

2.) I’m still not completely on-board with this one, but apparently they work: banana hangers.

3.) Disney World, according to Jim Gaffigan. He Agrees! that Disney isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

4.) Not just Nicki Minaj (but pop music industry as a whole) is getting worse…louder (about 1 decibel every 8 years).

5.) Sunscreen burns other peoples’ skin too: read here.

6.) Because we could all use a refresher on roundabouts. No shame.

7.) Primaries!! This site helped me understand the ones closer to my home. I’m sure there’s a site out there for every geographic area.

8.) Flavored chips and its link to illness. It’s science. And…if your stomach hurts like mine does after eating them, I recommend staying away from some of these options, especially #20. Blueberry flavored?

Violet Beauregarde, of Willy Wonka fame, would be proud of that flavor.
