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Celebrate Your Milestones.

As you navigate this final week of March into upcoming Spring 2016, get excited! There are so many things you can reflect on and celebrate as you continue working hard. I was reflecting on a few personal milestones of this 2015-2016 and was shocked by how much was accomplished in just the time since this academic year began. Here are just a few:


  1. Traveling to Las Vegas in October 2015 for the National Academic Advising Conference and presenting with a co-worker on current methods


2.  This picture is self-explanatory


3.  Reading Leo Tolstoy’s masterpiece, War & Peace, during Thanksgiving Break. F-i-n-a-l-l-y!!


4.  Completing a novel (Wheelman) and getting it published. (I highly recommend NaNoWriMo each November!)


5.  Adding a family pet in February 2016-


These were just a few of the memories from this year. As you think about your milestones, it’ll help motivate you to work through to the end of this season. I look forward to hearing your success stories.

My best,
