My pastor says things much more eloquently than me. He draws inferences from the Good Book, and I thank the Good Lord for it.
Some times I find myself just wanting to haul off and punch people.
But fortunately, I have people around me who teach biblical truth. A wife who loves first and foremost.
It stops my fist before it leaves the proverbial hangar.
Yesterday, Mark spoke on Revelation and made a connection to loving people I’d never heard in my 32 churchgoing years.
And before you stop reading, let me say right here that it wasn’t another LG,LP message. He didn’t make it about holding hands and skipping or anything.
It’s what I like to call Gloves Off Gospel.
It wasn’t highfaluting wish wash, but something that dug in and hit home.
The question he led with: Do you love as well as you used to? (Taken out of context this could mean anything. But here, for a Christian, it means what it says.)
Revelation 2 instructs every believer to – “do the works you did at first…”
This harps on how love diminishes in everyone who starts on warp speed, with mad love for God, and then, well, fizzles out.
Life, politics, saccharine packets, and bad pizza take their toll on our hearts metaphorically and literally. 1st world sucker punches happen and we think this somehow makes it okay to stop caring. I don’t know about you, but I’m not okay with any punch to my gut. From friend or foe.
My stomach hurts just typing this. I want to avoid the lull of carelessness. Forever.
Can we pray for impenetrable faith? Do we need extra compassion injections over time? Are we being the body we’re called to be?
January is cold and nothing can insulate like good works & faith.
Do I love as well as I used to?